Role Models

"The influence of a role model can last a lifetime, so it is important to choose wisely."

Seth Godin

Seth Godin @ThisIsSethsBlog

Seth Godin is a role model for me because he taught me what to do when it's my turn, and that it is always my turn. He is a best-selling author and entrepreneur, and his insights on marketing, leadership, and creativity have been invaluable to me.

Dave Asprey biohacker

Dave Asprey @bulletproofexec

Dave Asprey is a role model for me because he introduced me to biohacking and taught me how to live to my full potential. He is the founder of Bulletproof and has written extensively about the benefits of biohacking for health and performance.

Amir Husain

Amir Husain @amirhusain_tx

Amir Husain is a role model for me because he has taught me about the power of exponential growth in technology. He is the founder of SparkCognition and has spoken extensively about the impact of artificial intelligence on society.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk @elonmusk

Elon Musk is my role model because he teaches me that there is no limit to what is possible. He has founded companies such as SpaceX and Tesla, and has ambitious plans to colonize Mars and revolutionize transportation on Earth.

peter thiel

Peter Thiel @peterthiel

Peter Thiel is a role model for me because he is an extraordinary entrepreneur who isn't afraid to speak his mind. He has co-founded companies such as PayPal and Palantir, and has also been a vocal advocate for technology and innovation.

Matthew Prince

Matthew Prince @eastdakota

Matthew Prince is my role model because he is a visionary founder and incredible CEO at Cloudflare. He has led the company to become a major player in the internet security and performance space, and his leadership style is one that I admire.

Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger @CharlieMunger00

Charlie Munger is a great role model for me because of his guiding wisdom on investing and the valuable life lessons he shares. As the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and a successful investor in his own right, Munger has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw upon.

Brian Feroldi

Brian Feroldi @BrianFeroldi

Brian Feroldi is a role model for me because he has taught me how to invest in the stock market for the long term. He is a personal finance writer and has helped me learn how to make informed investment decisions.

Keith Rabois

Keith Rabois @rabois

Keith Rabois is a role model for me because of his help to convince me to move my family from LA to Miami via his Twitter posts (fyi, it was a great decision). He is a successful entrepreneur and investor, and his insights on business and technology have been invaluable to me.

Reid Hoffman

Reid Hoffman @reidhoffman

Reid Hoffman is my role model because he has taught me the difference between investing in bits vs atoms. He is a co-founder of LinkedIn and has made numerous successful investments in technology companies.

As a young entrepreneur, I often felt lost and alone in the business world. I didn't have anyone to turn to for guidance or support, and I struggled to find my way. But then I discovered a group of incredible individuals who showed me the way forward. These are the people I am proud to call my role models. They have taught me so much and helped shape me into the person I am today. These are the top 10 visionaries who have had a lasting impact on my life and my career. Through their wisdom and guidance, they have helped me achieve greatness and inspired me to keep striving for more. Their stories and accomplishments have touched me deeply and continue to inspire me on my journey. Extremely grateful to these incredible role models for showing me the way and helping me become the best version of myself.